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Monday, 27 April 2015

The Truth About Cancer - Review 1

The Truth About Cancer  a review of a series of 11 videos presented by Ty Bollinger. I have watched them and would like to review the information given over the next 4 Posts, not just as a Nutritionist but as someone who has been through a lot of the processes with my husband who had Sarcoma.
If you missed all or some of them you have a few hours this weekend 11th/12th April to catch up by going to this link
The Purpose of these videos was to EducateExpose and Eradicate and they have certainly served the purpose of educating and exposing to all who watched by providing an abundance of evidence based, less toxic treatments. Now we need to spread the word so that we can move towards eradicating cancer. Up until now anyone who chose not to go down the harsh route of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy could feel isolated and lacking in support, even by their own relatives. Hopefully this series has started a Worldwide movement to improve the availability of information, improve cancer outcomes with or without traditional treatment and education for everyone about prevention of cancer. As stated in the series this information is only to inform and should not replace the medical advice from a physician who knows you and your condition. Some of the treatment regimes mentioned are controversial and may need further investigating.
The series of 11 videos covered a massive amount of information on
  1. Nutrition
  2. Supplements
  3. Natural treatments and protocols
  4. Alternative Medical approaches
They also Exposed the bad medical and nutritional advice so often given to patients - probably the most common being that you need plenty of calories from Dairy, Carbohydrates and Sugar to counteract the weight loss associated with conventional treatment. Many people on the series talked about trusting your instincts, about what feels right for you and mental positivity.
The Truth About Cancer has to be known. With more than 1:3 people having this disease in their lifetimes we are all affected and yet much of this information has been suppressed for years but The Truth About Cancer has made an impact. With the right knowledge we all should be to be free to choose.
First and foremost the main message was SUGAR feeds cancer and that also includes white, processed carbohydrates and alcohol. Keeping your blood sugar lower but level is key to fighting cancer.
Getting as much nutrition into the body as possible. A nutritionally deficient body is a toxic sponge. Cancer is a disease of an already sick body whose detoxification pathways and immune system have been under pressure.
Detoxification should target the following systems in this order
  1. Bowels
  2. Kidneys and urine
  3. Breath and skin
  4. Lymph movement
  5. Liver and blood
1. Bowels - Raw vegetable and berry juicing with lots of fresh, organic vegetables and salads. Coconut. Probiotics. Coffee enemas.
2. Kidney's and urine - drink plenty of spring water and eat or juice watery fruits and vegetables like cucumber, melon, water melon, kiwi - including all the seeds. Coconut water.
3. Breath and skin - helped by exercise, deep breathing, skin brushing, Saunas, steam rooms to detox through sweating.
4. Lymph movement - rebounding one of the best ways, yoga inversions, massage. We have eight pints of blood that is pumped around the body but twelve pints of lymph that needs our help by movement.
5. Liver and blood - Silymarin, Dandelion, wheat-grass. Coffee enemas to keep the liver working, especially when there is a heavy tumour load.
Cancer fighting Foods for Optimal Nutrition
  • Berries - Vitamin C, Ellagic acid, Polyphenols are all good anti-cancer foods. Pomegranates, Raspberries, Strawberries (have special fibres that run from the outside seeds into the fruit and help bind to 90% of toxins making them easier to eliminate), blackberries, blueberries etc.
  • Fruit seeds - contain amygdalin that has been shown to have anti-cancer properties. Apples seeds have some but Apricot seeds or kernels have more. These substances have been used for many years as alternative cancer treatment  and are sometimes called B17 or Laetrile.
  • Iodine containing foods - fish and seafood, seaweeds, algae spirulina and chlorella (also contain Polysaccharides that help cellular communication and help identify rouge cells), raw garlic and pineapple. Low iodine is a cause of fibrocystic breast disease. Supplement with iodine if you are eating a large amount of raw cabbage, Brussel-sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower as these foods are antagonistic to iodine.
  • Mushrooms - many types of mushroom boost the immune system and are anti-cancer especially shittake
  • Beets and radishes - contain Anthrocyanins that can kill cancer cells. As do blackcurrants, elderberries, black olives, figs, red grapes, red plums, blueberries, red onions, red cabbage and Avocados.
  • Virgin Olive Oil contains polyphenols - anti-oxidants. as do Pecans and Walnuts.
  • Sulphur containing foods, onions, garlic, broccoli and sprouting seeds block cancer cell formation.
  • Turmeric and Green Tea contain polyphenols that are anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory.
  • Ginger, Black Pepper and Curcumin and Ayurvedic Formulas can improve synergy and healing.
  • Organic Vegetables - good source of minerals and so are alkalising - carrots, spinach, chard, kale, onions etc.
  • Zinc - one of the most important trace elements found in offal, meat, mushrooms, seeds, nuts, oysters, eggs.
Next Post will be on Supplements for help with Cancer treatment and immune boosting.

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