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Friday, 2 April 2010

Essential Iodine

Iodine is a basic element, like oxygen, zinc, selenium etc. and it is found in every organ and tissue in the body. It is antibacterial, antiparasitic,antiviral and anticancer. It affects hormones, thyroid hormones probably being the most well known but also oestrogen metabolism. It is essential during pregnancy and it can resolve fibrocystic breast disease, breast cancer, ovarian cysts and may help in ovarian cancer.
Iodine is essential for a fully functioning immune system. It is known that it is taken up by Neutrophils (white blood cells that engulf bacteria and foreign bodies) and that it also helps with a chemical reaction within the body that is highly effective against micro-organisms, viruses and fungi.
Iodine is concentrated in the stomach and is important in the production of stomach acidity, good digestion, bowel movements and controlling Candida. It is also being studied in relation to stomach cancer, lung cancer and skin cancer.
It is essential for the heart and circulation systems and for the development and function of the brain.
In 1999 a conference, organised by UNICEF, warned that insufficient iodine in the diet is the most common -yet most preventable - cause of brain damage throughout the World. Consequences for the community range from mild blunting of the interlect to Cretinism, a cause of deafness and severe mental impairment of children caused by iodine deficiency during pregnancy. The IQ of a deficient community is decreased by about 13.5 IQ points. For more information see the International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency
Consider the broad range of symptoms that can result from iodine &/or thyroid deficiency:-
fatigue, high blood pressure, depression, hair loss, dry skin, constipation, heat/cold intolerance, difficulty concentrating, weight gain, nervousness, infertility, oesteoporosis, lack of stomach acid, poor digestion, immune system defects and even Dementia and Parkinson's Disease.
If you would like to know more about the overall affects on health you might like to read Iodine: why you need it, why you can't live without it. by Dr. David Brownstein
In this book the Doctor states that 90% of the patients he tests are deficient in Iodine and that there is evidence that the correct combination and amount of iodine/iodide has the ability to disintegrate cancer tumours from the inside out.

How to test for Iodine deficiency.
  • Dip a cotton bud into USP Tincture of Iodine (available from chemists/drugstores)
  • Paint a 2-3 inch square onto soft skin of inner thigh or lower belly.
  • Wait and check occaisionally. If the stain disappears within 12 hours or less, reapply and continue to do so until the stain is still visable after12 hours. Vary the area that you apply it to. Re-check every few months. If you find yourself to be deficient then also try to include more of the following foods into your diet. Recommended intake is from 150 - 1000mcgs a day.
Food Sources of Iodine
Fish and seafood
Sea vegetables - Dulse, Wakame, Kombu etc. Soak until soft and add to soups, stews and stock.
Milk, cheese and yogurt
Onions, radishes
Watercress, lettuce, spinach and green peppers
Pineapple, strawberries
Peanuts, raisins
Wholegrains and cereals
Celtic Salt or good quality Sea salt ( Iodised table salt is not recommended as it contains aluminum and sugar)
Seaweed products - Dulce
Chlorella or Spirulina -but do consult with your doctor about taking these supplements if you are on Thyroid Hormone Replacement therapy.
Co-factors necessary for iodine uptake and efficient use are Selenium, Zinc, magnesium, calcium, Vitamin C and Vitamin D as well as Co-Q10
For more information about Thyroid disease click

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