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Friday, 2 April 2010

Nutrition and Cancer - Let's get started now!

The aim is to alter our chances of survival and have a better quality of life. The aim is to die of old age!

The World Cancer Research Fund now says we can slash cancer rates by at least one third by promoting healthy foods and exercise.

With the addition of supplements and lifestyle changes we could push this to nearer 90% reduction.

The Tide of Change is growing. Many hospitals around the world are now researching and using 'Alternative' and 'Complementary' therapies and they are now embracing the work of the nutritional pioneers like the Gerson Institute and Dr. Gonzales in New York. The World is uniting in a quest to find the answers and all the exciting developments are coming from areas outside chemotherapy. The New Millennium is supposed to be a more gentle, understanding age.

There is so much information available now on the Internet, in books and the media that it can be daunting and confusing - especially for anyone who has just been diagnosed with cancer and who wants all the answers now.

To make it as easy as possible I will give you the evidence based guidelines for an anti-cancer diet without long explanations as to why each food is beneficial. If you need to know more about the science behind it then there are some great websites in my Links column. I will then give you some easy ways to incorporate the changes into your daily regime.

They say it is easier to get someone to change their religion than it is to change their diet. Preventing and treating cancer should be a strong enough incentive to start right now.

Foods and drinks to avoid.

* Sugar, salt and most dairy foods (milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, cream and any foods that contain them) The only exceptions being organic, low fat cottage cheese or yogurt when mixed with flax seeds and flaxseed oil as an anti-cancer treatment for which a recipe will be included later.
* Red meat avoid as much as possible and if you eat it only have a small portion(about 3oz or 80g)
* Fried food , minimise your intake and heat cooking oil gently. Boil, steam, poach or bake food instead.
* Bad Fats, Trans fats, hydrogenated fats and margarines that are solid at room temperature.
* Avoid all processed meats, sausages, frankfurters, bacon and smoked meats and fish.
* Avoid all burnt meat and food.
* Cut out white flour products, pastry, cakes, biscuits.
* Avoid Yeast and yeast products like marmite.
* Limit your alcohol to no more than one or two units a day or less. Avoid spirits, red wine is preferable.
* Avoid all soft drinks that are high in sugar. Dilute fresh fruit drinks with water.
* Limit Coffee or avoid completely. If you are a coffee addict - cut down slowly to avoid severe headaches.

Foods and Drinks to Increase

* Free range chicken and game avoiding farmed meats if possible
* Oily Fish like herring, mackerel, sardines and salmon avoiding farmed if possible.
* Fresh Fruits and vegetables every day try to eat several portions, some cooked and some raw. Have as many different and colourful ones as you can and organic if possible. If little is available then opt for frozen substitutes.
* Cruciferous Vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and kale - every day.
* Garlic have some everyday.
* Spices Turmeric, cumin, chili, curry powder, cinnamon and saffron.
* Olive Oil for salads and cooking.
* Flax seed oil, walnut oil, olive oil for salads and cold use only. Cold Pressed is best.
* Avocados and homemade guacamole
* Almond milk, rice milk, goats or soya milk can be substituted for cows milk.
* Eat wholefoods such as oats, wholegrain rice and wholegrain pasta, lentils, beans, nuts and seeds. Wholegrain organic bread in small quantities.
* Shiitake Mushrooms and dried seaweeds like Kombu and ginger can be added to cooked dishes.
* Fresh Herbs mint, coriander, thyme, sage and lemon grass
* Drink green tea and herb teas rich in antioxidants.
* Drink pure water, filtered tap water or spring water from glass bottles.

This diet will increase your vital energy and you will soon feel much better in body and mind.

Dr. Gonzales suggests that if you have a solid epithelial tumour, such as tumours of the lungs, pancreas, colon, prostate, uterus etc. you would do better on a largely plant-based diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts, wholegrains and seeds and with minimal to no animal protein.

If you have a blood or immune based malignancy such as leukemia, myeloma and lymphoma you would do better with more animal protein and good fats.

If you have breast cancer and eat almost a vegetarian diet you need to supplement with Vitamin B12 which can be taken with a B complex vitamin and as a sub-lingual powder.

More on supplements in another Post.

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