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High dose Vitamin C infusions and Glutathione.
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Sunday, 4 April 2010

Help and Hope

A diagnosis of cancer is a daunting experience and most people experience a mixture of shock, anxiety and fear. You may not know much about your particular type of cancer but you realise that the treatment is likely to involve surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy - or all three. You can considerably improve your chances of survival by taking an active role in your treatment. If you choose to go the conventional route then there are many treatments and therapies that can help you through and lessen the side effects. If you have had conventional treatment but it hasn't worked or your cancer has returned there are still many treatments and therapies that can give you a better quality of life or even keep your cancer under control so that it becomes more of a chronic disease that needs monitoring and continued treatment , like diabetes.
For anyone who has cancer a second condition always comes soon after the diagnosis - information overload! More often than not it is a close relative or friend that takes on the research: the internet, books, magazines, scientific journals - whatever they can take in. It is time consuming, frustrating and a lot like looking for an Oasis in a desert - loads of sand and not much water! I hope that this Blog will be like finding an Oasis. My background in Nursing and Nutritional Medicine and my personal experience in searching for information on effective treatments and therapies for over 2 years has led me to starting this Blog so that that others can save time and energy and be empowered to make changes to their diet and lifestyle that will give them hope and encouragement.
I will recommend the best websites, the most informative books and the best quality supplements. As someone said to my husband and I "There is no room for fear - only love." Fear paralyses us and stops us moving forward, love makes us stronger and able to move mountains.


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